
Friday, June 19, 2009

Concert in the Park

The concert was fun.
My youngest (4yr old) boy had a blast!!!
I chased him up and down hills. He loved the play structure, too. He was scaring me some though so I left the concert early. He was just being a major daredevil. The little guy made it exercise though. He doesn't stay in one spot for long. He even got to chase a few poor unsuspecting ducks :)

Not much going on today......had to work. It was hot in the kitchen.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Music in the Park

I had fun last night taking the children to the drive- in movies. It was a first for 2 of my boys. They had fun.

I had to get up semi early to work this morning.

Tonight I am taking the children to the park to see a free concert. The walk will be good to encourage active kids. Good for me too because I went to bed late after the drive in and didn't get up early to workout before work. The walk will be great!

I am going to get to bed early tonight so I can workout before work in the morning. It's much better than trying to do it after.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My website !

I created a website a couple of months ago. I am still trying to improve on it.

Fitness Rocks!!!!

I absolutely love fitness!!!

I have a short but intense workout planned for 4:00 pm.

I did my turbo yesterday so today it will be weight training. A little kettlebell , a little stability ball, and some stretch.