
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday Transformation News

Tuesday transformation news.... I am down another 2 lbs from last blog post on Thursday!

I am excited to be down 14 lbs total!

I was following my calories fairly close for the first month but haven't tracked since Thursday until today. 
I really have been trying to rely more on how I feel during and after eating. Paying closer attention and really enjoying my food.
I really don't believe in the word DIET. Here are few tips to eat better.....

1. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables 
2. Minimize processed food. Boxed foods. Bagged foods.Stay Away from this isle in the grocery store!
3. Read Labels... It goes along with # 2 ... Look at the ingredient list is there 20 things you can't pronounce?
I buy peanut butter but I buy one that has peanuts for the ingredient list 1 ingredient. Simple. Keep it simple :D

4. Drink Water and More Water 
We all know it's good for us.  I have a couple of links below.
I like to add lemon to my water it aids in detoxifying the body.

5. Stay away from Fast Food!

6. If you do not have Gluten allergies Buy Whole Grain Wheat Products.Watch the label close though. Some whole grain breads have high fructose corn syrup.Whole grain pastas are fine in spaghetti. I use whole grain noodles in my chicken noodle soup.

7.Stay away from sugar as much as possible. The High fructose corn syrups. Choose natural sugars and natural sugar alternatives ( I'm not talking artificial sweeteners)
Stevia, Agave and Honey . Raw sugar not refined. 

8. Try Quinoa... Ok this is not mandatory but ....

What Are the Benefits of Quinoa?thumbnail
What Are the Benefits of Quinoa?

Quinoa is a seed, rich in protein, commonly used as a grain in cooking. It can be used to make pasta, couscous, flour and more. Quinoa is growing in popularity in the United States, because many health benefits are attributed to it.

  1. Protein

    • Quinoa contains complete protein which provides nine essential amino-acids that promote growth and tissue repair.


    • Quinoa has been found to be high in fiber. A half-cup of cooked quinoa provides 2.6 gm of fiber.


    • Quinoa is high in calcium an element for which many people require supplements.

    Cardiovascular Health

    • Quinoa is high in magnesium, which is essential to cardiovascular health in that it relaxes blood vessels.

    Headache Cure

    • The magnesium in quinoa may also help reduce migraines and milder headaches when it relaxes blood vessels.


    • Quinoa contains manganese and copper, which together form superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant.

      This is a link to a lot of cool quinoa recipes!

9. Plan Ahead.... If you know you are gonna be busy and on the run... Pack a cooler with healthy FAST FOOD. An apple and string cheese, etc.

10. Eat smaller meals more times a day. 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks. You can not be afraid to eat. Food is fuel! you need to eat to fuel those workouts!

Quote For Today:
"You Don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. But you can decide how you're going to live now."   Joan Baez

Choose To Be Healthy Today! 
Let's end the trend of obesity!

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