
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Changes are a part of life. Some are welcome others are not...

"Sometimes things which at the moment may be perceived as obstacles- and may actually be obstacles, difficulties, or drawbacks- can in the long run result in some good end which would not have occurred if it had not been for the obstacle." Steve Allen

Today I feel like I have lost a big part of me. I have to take a step back from the pain and move on anyway. My studio Shaped By Shawn has not been bringing in enough revenue to pay the bills. I am very sad and feel empty at this point. I do know that I am just in a transition period. I am not giving up my dream of owning a studio...I have so many plans for it. My healthy cooking workshops, smoothie workshops... My dream is still there!

When I found my studio I thought it was the perfect location...Maybe not.... Things happen for a reason.

I will miss my studio but will miss teaching more.
I have to find a place to hold classes!

I teach fitness to touch lives. I am not giving that up.

I am going through my own personal transformation right now and yes this is a BIG blow to my self confidence. I feel like a failure...

but I have been working on that FAD I discussed a little in an earlier post.
My Fitness, My Attitude, and my Diet!

Ahh the old me would have ran right straight to FAT food....
I mean fast food and
drown my sorrows. I am engaging my mind..not will power to stop me from running to McDonalds... I used to let my mind go on autopilot if you will...and I would run to food at the slightest bit of stress in my life... I have been reprogramming my mind for success.

My mind now sees Food as Fuel not Pain Killer!

Attitude is everything!

I refuse to let this set back defeat me!

" For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a road block, take a detour." Mary Kay Ash

I did what didn't work.... Now I have to find out what does!Re-evaluate, make necessary changes and move forward!

I may be down but I am not out!


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