
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MORE ON FAD Today.......

What I am specifically working on....

Fitness: I am going to Zumba @ 7pm



I am working on a couple different things here!
I am listening to the an audio book by Joel Osteen called:
 Become A Better You

Joel Osteen reaches one of the largest audiences in the U.S. and across the globe--more than 42,000 people attend his church every week, and millions more tune in by television to hear his words of inspiration and wisdom. His first book, Your Best Life Now, has sold over 4 million copies and is available worldwide in 17 languages. His message of hope is helping people find a closer connection with God by learning to apply the principles of Scripture to their everyday lives.
In this new book, Become a Better You, Joel Osteen offers seven simple yet profound action steps that will help readers discover the better things they were born for... their individual purpose and destiny. As charming and passionate on the page as he is in person, Osteen incorporates key biblical principles, devotions, and personal testimonies that will uplift and enlighten readers. He speaks directly to the hearts and concerns of people from every walk of life. People love Joel Osteen--they love to be in his presence, to hear him speak, and to read what he's written--they just can't get enough of him.
Become a Better You will encourage and inspire readers to reach their full, unique and God given potential.

And I am also listening to Program Your Self Thin by Jim Katsoulis
"New Breakthrough Discovery In Psychology Helps You Eliminate Food Cravings That Are Destroying Your Chances Of Losing Weight So You Can
FINALLY Take Control Of Your Emotions, Lose Weight, And Transform Yourself Into the Sexy,
Attractive Person You've Always Wanted To Be"

Both of these resources help me to feel better about myself. One of the things I have struggled with is hating myself. Or calling my self a FatSo!

I have to remember this! I am special!

 I have not been following a specific diet. I am counting calories on a temporary basis. I am doing something  called calorie cycling. This is how it works..... I use  to calculate my daily caloric needs. Plugging in my information it come up with 1730 calories a day to lose 2 lbs a week.
So here is where I get tricky on you:
1730 cals a day x 7 days = 12,110 calories a week 

Our bodies are very efficient at catching on to our reduced calorie diets. Even if you don't keep your cals so low you go into starvation mode it gets used to your 1700 cals a day and says "Ha Ha , I know what your doing now so I will adapt."   Cycling the calories keeps you body guessing. For instance using my example:
Monday        1500 calories
Tuesday       1800 calories
Wednesday     1300 calories
Thursday      2300 calories
Friday        1500 calories
Saturday      2110 calories
Sunday        1700 calories

All those days still add up to 12,110  but by varying the calories each day my body does not catch on.

Kinda cool!
It is alot of work logging cals but it helps to plateau proof your fat loss.

I am drinking one serving of Shakeology   a day. Only one meal replaced.
I am also trying to eat more fruits and veggies but I am not obsessing over perfection. I had eggs and bacon today! And you know what It was eggsactly what I wanted. Sorry pardon the pun !
For the most part I am staying away from fried foods, processed foods....Garbage like that.
Shakeology has helped my cravings tremendously! 
  Enjoy your Day!       

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