
Monday, July 18, 2011

Throw Away The Scale

I hope you are enjoying this hot and muggy Monday! I am...
I was in my hot un- air conditioned house having trouble coming up with an i
dea for my blog post....
So I decided to go to a nice air conditioned place for Wi-Fi and a
ice cold drink.

Today's post is about throwing out the scale.
I know we all have felt a sense of frustration with it at times.

Most recently I have felt frustrated. I started taking Shakeology and the first 10 days I lost 6 lbs which was impressive!

Now already the scale has been stuck ever since. I feel like smashing the stupid evil thing! I can almost hear it mocking me!

I have actually been tracking calories. I know I am well within the range that should be producing a 2 lb a week weight loss.

I Know....I Know! Muscle weighs more than fat!
For instance if I lost 3 lbs of fat last week and I put on 3 lbs of muscle.... The evil scale would say " Haha! No Change!"

I know I did lift heavier than normal and push hard!

I have not taken new measurements yet. I am going to wait for the one month mark for that. So I am hanging in there a little frustrated but I know I am doing all

the right things for
fat loss so I will post the lost inches progress in a couple of weeks.

I look in the mirror and I see good progress so I will ignore that evil beast called a scale!

Have An Awesome Day!

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