
Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm Melting!

And not from all the super hot 90 degree plus days!!!!

Shakeology, exercise and watching what I eat a little closer. I am seeing amazing results. Last scale visit down 8.5 lbs.  Wednesday will be my 4 week mark so I will take measurements and weigh in. I will post the one month progress on Wednesday or Thursday.

I am so excited to be melting fat off my frame! I can't wait to uncover my muscles!

I got an email about the Fattest and Fittest States in the US..... Guess what Michigan was on the list of the 10 Fattest States.....Not a title I want to live up to. 
That's why I am changing my body for the best and that's why I chose to be a fitness professional because I want to help others. I want to make a difference right here in Michigan! Michigan was #10

10. Fat: Michigan

Americans are fat and getting fatter, according to the F as in Fat 2011 report from the Trust for America's Health. Obesity grew in 16 states over the last year including Michigan, now the 10th fattest state, with an obesity rate of 30.5%. Is our national infatuation with french fries to blame? Where does your state stand? 
The states in RED are the 10 Fattest states.

We are the only Northern US state in the top 10!!!   NOT GOOD!

I want to do my part to help Michigan  and the US  put an end to obesity!

Any one else interested in shedding unwanted fat....
check out my websites and let me coach you through the process!


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