
Monday, August 15, 2011


It is Monday .....The day everyone dreads!!!

Well not everyone!!!
I don't mind it. I actually enjoy getting back to work on my fitness and my business. Lot's to do today!
I have some website updates to take care of 
and I have a few errands to take care of.

I am happy to report being down 18 pounds now!

I'll make this a short one today.....
Enjoy your Monday!

Shawn :D


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Down another 2 pounds!!! :D

It's Thursday. I am happy to say that I am down another 2 pounds! I am down a total of
16 pounds since I started my journey with Shakeology.

I am so excited to be burning off those pounds of FAT!!!
And not struggle with hunger!
The cravings for junk food have almost gone completely! Once in awhile I still have a craving...

But I figure it's OK to eat something like pizza once in awhile. I make a mean veggie pizza! I like to put on crazy things like spinach,sun-dried tomatoes, artichokes,peppers and red onion.....garlic and oregano on the crust...
And it's not too bad for you because of all the nutrition you get from the veggies!

I have struggled with my weight for years and Shakeology has been truly amazing for me. I have always loved to workout but my emotional eating habits would always sabotage my weight loss goals.
I can't believe how well Shakeology works at keeping my cravings down even when I'm stressed! And I have had a tremendously stressful week!!! 
And I am down 4 pounds since last Thursday!!! 

As I reflect back on the last 2 weeks of my life... It has been rough for me... I closed  Shaped By Shawn Studio (It means the world to me to help others who struggle with the same issues that I have struggled with in my journey to fat loss) A very traumatic experience to say good bye to my studio... Not that I give up on teaching fitness classes... I just have to teach elsewhere...Not that I give up on trying to help others reach there fat and weight loss goals... I am just as passionate about helping others as I have always been! Maybe more so! Closing my studio forces me to come up with a better plan!
And my oldest son went to Afghanistan... That is one of the hardest things I have dealt with ... I know I have to trust God that he will be back...but it's hard!!!
Not hard to trust God but hard to be strong when I am so scared for my son!!!

I am thankful for the internet! I did get to chat with my son on Facebook yesterday :D Hearing( I should say reading)
"I Love You, Mom !" made my day :D

Even when life is stressful... Or I should say especially when life is stressful...You have to count your blessings! I have so much more than I even deserve... I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and still... Daily I get to hug my children(except the older ones that don't like to be hugged anymore)... 

 Enjoy your Day!   And SMILE!

Shawn :D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday Transformation News

Tuesday transformation news.... I am down another 2 lbs from last blog post on Thursday!

I am excited to be down 14 lbs total!

I was following my calories fairly close for the first month but haven't tracked since Thursday until today. 
I really have been trying to rely more on how I feel during and after eating. Paying closer attention and really enjoying my food.
I really don't believe in the word DIET. Here are few tips to eat better.....

1. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables 
2. Minimize processed food. Boxed foods. Bagged foods.Stay Away from this isle in the grocery store!
3. Read Labels... It goes along with # 2 ... Look at the ingredient list is there 20 things you can't pronounce?
I buy peanut butter but I buy one that has peanuts for the ingredient list 1 ingredient. Simple. Keep it simple :D

4. Drink Water and More Water 
We all know it's good for us.  I have a couple of links below.
I like to add lemon to my water it aids in detoxifying the body.

5. Stay away from Fast Food!

6. If you do not have Gluten allergies Buy Whole Grain Wheat Products.Watch the label close though. Some whole grain breads have high fructose corn syrup.Whole grain pastas are fine in spaghetti. I use whole grain noodles in my chicken noodle soup.

7.Stay away from sugar as much as possible. The High fructose corn syrups. Choose natural sugars and natural sugar alternatives ( I'm not talking artificial sweeteners)
Stevia, Agave and Honey . Raw sugar not refined. 

8. Try Quinoa... Ok this is not mandatory but ....

What Are the Benefits of Quinoa?thumbnail
What Are the Benefits of Quinoa?

Quinoa is a seed, rich in protein, commonly used as a grain in cooking. It can be used to make pasta, couscous, flour and more. Quinoa is growing in popularity in the United States, because many health benefits are attributed to it.

  1. Protein

    • Quinoa contains complete protein which provides nine essential amino-acids that promote growth and tissue repair.


    • Quinoa has been found to be high in fiber. A half-cup of cooked quinoa provides 2.6 gm of fiber.


    • Quinoa is high in calcium an element for which many people require supplements.

    Cardiovascular Health

    • Quinoa is high in magnesium, which is essential to cardiovascular health in that it relaxes blood vessels.

    Headache Cure

    • The magnesium in quinoa may also help reduce migraines and milder headaches when it relaxes blood vessels.


    • Quinoa contains manganese and copper, which together form superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant.

      This is a link to a lot of cool quinoa recipes!

9. Plan Ahead.... If you know you are gonna be busy and on the run... Pack a cooler with healthy FAST FOOD. An apple and string cheese, etc.

10. Eat smaller meals more times a day. 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks. You can not be afraid to eat. Food is fuel! you need to eat to fuel those workouts!

Quote For Today:
"You Don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. But you can decide how you're going to live now."   Joan Baez

Choose To Be Healthy Today! 
Let's end the trend of obesity!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am greatful for....

Ahh I Am Thankful For Many Things!
My Husband, My  Children, My Family
The List Could Go On And On!
I Am Very Blessed :D
The Fact I Have Multiple Jobs
( Or is That A Curse)

Not Really Some People Are Lucky To Have A Job At All!!!

The Fact That I Live Here With The Freedom To Sit Here And Type Whatever IS On My Mind! 

I Thank The US Troops... 

Even Though I Do Not  Think They ...
Should Be Where They Are...

I Thank Them For Their Sacrifice. 
Yes I Am Being Emotional Because My Oldest Son Is Going To Afghanistan In Just A Few Hours.

I Thank God For My Oldest Son And All My Sons.
I Thank God For My Daughter, Too.

I Am Thankful For My Health And My Friends!
And So Much More!

Live, Love And Laugh!

Shawn :D

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WooHoo! Down 12 lbs!

I Hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday!
I weighed myself this morning after 4 weeks on Shakeology and I am down 12 pounds!!!
I also lost 6.5 inches from my body!
I am Super Excited!
That's  what my abs will look like in approximately 
8 more months!
Ok maybe a year LOL!
If you are interested in learning more about Shakeology check out my website
I know I have lots of hard work ahead of me but I will be so much healthier! 

Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm Melting!

And not from all the super hot 90 degree plus days!!!!

Shakeology, exercise and watching what I eat a little closer. I am seeing amazing results. Last scale visit down 8.5 lbs.  Wednesday will be my 4 week mark so I will take measurements and weigh in. I will post the one month progress on Wednesday or Thursday.

I am so excited to be melting fat off my frame! I can't wait to uncover my muscles!

I got an email about the Fattest and Fittest States in the US..... Guess what Michigan was on the list of the 10 Fattest States.....Not a title I want to live up to. 
That's why I am changing my body for the best and that's why I chose to be a fitness professional because I want to help others. I want to make a difference right here in Michigan! Michigan was #10

10. Fat: Michigan

Americans are fat and getting fatter, according to the F as in Fat 2011 report from the Trust for America's Health. Obesity grew in 16 states over the last year including Michigan, now the 10th fattest state, with an obesity rate of 30.5%. Is our national infatuation with french fries to blame? Where does your state stand? 
The states in RED are the 10 Fattest states.

We are the only Northern US state in the top 10!!!   NOT GOOD!

I want to do my part to help Michigan  and the US  put an end to obesity!

Any one else interested in shedding unwanted fat....
check out my websites and let me coach you through the process!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MORE ON FAD Today.......

What I am specifically working on....

Fitness: I am going to Zumba @ 7pm



I am working on a couple different things here!
I am listening to the an audio book by Joel Osteen called:
 Become A Better You

Joel Osteen reaches one of the largest audiences in the U.S. and across the globe--more than 42,000 people attend his church every week, and millions more tune in by television to hear his words of inspiration and wisdom. His first book, Your Best Life Now, has sold over 4 million copies and is available worldwide in 17 languages. His message of hope is helping people find a closer connection with God by learning to apply the principles of Scripture to their everyday lives.
In this new book, Become a Better You, Joel Osteen offers seven simple yet profound action steps that will help readers discover the better things they were born for... their individual purpose and destiny. As charming and passionate on the page as he is in person, Osteen incorporates key biblical principles, devotions, and personal testimonies that will uplift and enlighten readers. He speaks directly to the hearts and concerns of people from every walk of life. People love Joel Osteen--they love to be in his presence, to hear him speak, and to read what he's written--they just can't get enough of him.
Become a Better You will encourage and inspire readers to reach their full, unique and God given potential.

And I am also listening to Program Your Self Thin by Jim Katsoulis
"New Breakthrough Discovery In Psychology Helps You Eliminate Food Cravings That Are Destroying Your Chances Of Losing Weight So You Can
FINALLY Take Control Of Your Emotions, Lose Weight, And Transform Yourself Into the Sexy,
Attractive Person You've Always Wanted To Be"

Both of these resources help me to feel better about myself. One of the things I have struggled with is hating myself. Or calling my self a FatSo!

I have to remember this! I am special!

 I have not been following a specific diet. I am counting calories on a temporary basis. I am doing something  called calorie cycling. This is how it works..... I use  to calculate my daily caloric needs. Plugging in my information it come up with 1730 calories a day to lose 2 lbs a week.
So here is where I get tricky on you:
1730 cals a day x 7 days = 12,110 calories a week 

Our bodies are very efficient at catching on to our reduced calorie diets. Even if you don't keep your cals so low you go into starvation mode it gets used to your 1700 cals a day and says "Ha Ha , I know what your doing now so I will adapt."   Cycling the calories keeps you body guessing. For instance using my example:
Monday        1500 calories
Tuesday       1800 calories
Wednesday     1300 calories
Thursday      2300 calories
Friday        1500 calories
Saturday      2110 calories
Sunday        1700 calories

All those days still add up to 12,110  but by varying the calories each day my body does not catch on.

Kinda cool!
It is alot of work logging cals but it helps to plateau proof your fat loss.

I am drinking one serving of Shakeology   a day. Only one meal replaced.
I am also trying to eat more fruits and veggies but I am not obsessing over perfection. I had eggs and bacon today! And you know what It was eggsactly what I wanted. Sorry pardon the pun !
For the most part I am staying away from fried foods, processed foods....Garbage like that.
Shakeology has helped my cravings tremendously! 
  Enjoy your Day!       

Monday, July 18, 2011

Throw Away The Scale

I hope you are enjoying this hot and muggy Monday! I am...
I was in my hot un- air conditioned house having trouble coming up with an i
dea for my blog post....
So I decided to go to a nice air conditioned place for Wi-Fi and a
ice cold drink.

Today's post is about throwing out the scale.
I know we all have felt a sense of frustration with it at times.

Most recently I have felt frustrated. I started taking Shakeology and the first 10 days I lost 6 lbs which was impressive!

Now already the scale has been stuck ever since. I feel like smashing the stupid evil thing! I can almost hear it mocking me!

I have actually been tracking calories. I know I am well within the range that should be producing a 2 lb a week weight loss.

I Know....I Know! Muscle weighs more than fat!
For instance if I lost 3 lbs of fat last week and I put on 3 lbs of muscle.... The evil scale would say " Haha! No Change!"

I know I did lift heavier than normal and push hard!

I have not taken new measurements yet. I am going to wait for the one month mark for that. So I am hanging in there a little frustrated but I know I am doing all

the right things for
fat loss so I will post the lost inches progress in a couple of weeks.

I look in the mirror and I see good progress so I will ignore that evil beast called a scale!

Have An Awesome Day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Changes are a part of life. Some are welcome others are not...

"Sometimes things which at the moment may be perceived as obstacles- and may actually be obstacles, difficulties, or drawbacks- can in the long run result in some good end which would not have occurred if it had not been for the obstacle." Steve Allen

Today I feel like I have lost a big part of me. I have to take a step back from the pain and move on anyway. My studio Shaped By Shawn has not been bringing in enough revenue to pay the bills. I am very sad and feel empty at this point. I do know that I am just in a transition period. I am not giving up my dream of owning a studio...I have so many plans for it. My healthy cooking workshops, smoothie workshops... My dream is still there!

When I found my studio I thought it was the perfect location...Maybe not.... Things happen for a reason.

I will miss my studio but will miss teaching more.
I have to find a place to hold classes!

I teach fitness to touch lives. I am not giving that up.

I am going through my own personal transformation right now and yes this is a BIG blow to my self confidence. I feel like a failure...

but I have been working on that FAD I discussed a little in an earlier post.
My Fitness, My Attitude, and my Diet!

Ahh the old me would have ran right straight to FAT food....
I mean fast food and
drown my sorrows. I am engaging my mind..not will power to stop me from running to McDonalds... I used to let my mind go on autopilot if you will...and I would run to food at the slightest bit of stress in my life... I have been reprogramming my mind for success.

My mind now sees Food as Fuel not Pain Killer!

Attitude is everything!

I refuse to let this set back defeat me!

" For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a road block, take a detour." Mary Kay Ash

I did what didn't work.... Now I have to find out what does!Re-evaluate, make necessary changes and move forward!

I may be down but I am not out!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Monday

Happy Monday!
I hope you are having a good one!

My adventures in Transformation continue.
I have been watching my dietary intake closer.
Saturday and Sunday I went over my calorie goal on purpose.

Yes! On purpose!
I am playing around with something called calorie cycling.

More on that later!I will explain the concept in my newsletter,
in the article A Calorie is a Calorie, Right?

I made a very yummy shakeology shake for my mid day snack. MMMM! It was so good!

1 scoop Chocolate shakeology
10 ounce unsweetened Almond Milk
1 TBS Almond Butter
1 tsp pure Almond extract
1 c of ice

And very filling!

Enjoy Your Day,

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Transformation in Progress!

I started taking Shakeology less than 2 weeks ago and I am already...
Down 6 pounds!

How Awesome!

Shakeology is a meal repla
cement shake put out by BeachBody (the company that makes P90X, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Hip Hop Abs anyway the list goes on and on).

Shakeology is extremely good for you. Lots of vitamins and so much more!
For more info check out
The website tells you about what is in it and more!

I also have been working on my new fitness newsletter. I am about half done.
What do Butterflies have to do with fitness?
A Calorie is A Calorie, Right?
Those are the 2 topics!
I will post a link when I am finished.
